“Mindbody Wellness Coaching is not just for the health of the body, but also for the mind, heart & soul”
What is Mindbody Wellness Coaching?
Mindbody Wellness Coaching is a specialised therapy
approach integrating:
positive psychology
counselling methods
solution focused coaching
mindfulness techniques
somatic release techniques
There is also the option for nutritional coaching if needed. This approach supports you to shift limiting thought patterns, navigate the challenges of daily life with calm, clarity & ease and move you towards the life you desire.
What is Mindbody Wellness Coaching helpful for?
While having a healthy body is a part of optimal wellness, it's only part of the picture. Our work, our relationships, our sense of meaning & purpose, and our ability to live authentically all are key contributors to our wellness. Therefore, Mindbody Wellness Coaching not only takes into account the health of your body, but also of your mind, heart and soul.
Mindbody Wellness Coaching is highly effective for working on issues such as:
Achieving optimal health & wellbeing, including weight loss & chronic disease prevention/reversal
Clarifying life direction & purpose
Supporting you through major life transitions
Empowering you to let go of your limitations so you can step into a life of authenticity & inner peace
Used together, Hypnotherapy & Mindbody Wellness Coaching can be truly transformative, allowing you to achieve the peace, joy and freedom you’ve been yearning for with surprising ease.
Have questions about what working together might look like for you? Get in touch here or make a time for a free phone consult here.