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Gentle healing.
Powerful transformation.


Hi, I’m Samantha, Mindbody Therapist.

I’m dedicated to helping you live a more beautiful, joyful and vibrant life.


The difference to my approach lies in The Illumine Method™, an empowering hypnotherapy process which allows you to access your own inner wisdom and healing potential.

Some of my focus areas are: 

  • Life Transitions & Direction

  • Trauma Resolution

  • Weight Loss

  • Emotional Eating

  • Anxiety

  • Relationships

You’re in the right place if you know something needs to change, but you feel overwhelmed at the thought of prolonged therapy & rehashing the past.

There is another way...

Discover The Illumine Method

The Illumine Method™ is a gentle, empowering therapy technique I developed by drawing on tried and trusted hypnotherapy methods, energy healing modalities and somatic release practices.


It allows you to access and explore your subconscious mind, so you can uncover solutions and find answers that have been out of reach for your conscious mind.

During an Illumine Method session, you’ll be guided gently into a trance state, where your subconscious mind will take you directly to the heart of the matter. Here, you can process, heal and release whatever is holding you back, leaving you free to live your life from a place of wholeness.

How is The Illumine Method different from traditional counselling/psychotherapy?
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I was used to healing being hard and painful and sometimes impossible, and it was hard to believe how strangely lovely and easy the process could be.

I've experienced what feels like a complete turn around in how I deal with anxiety and past trauma, and the positive effect on my body has even saved me money on physical therapy long term.

It has dramatically changed how I feel every day for the better and it was everything I needed to move forward.  

- Miranda, 31

Explore Mindbody Wellness Coaching

Mindbody Wellness Coaching is a great option for those who prefer not to do trance work or would like a more strategic, goals focused approach. 

Mindbody Wellness Coaching is an action focused therapy which draws together positive psychology, somatic therapy and solution focused coaching to integrate your healing into your life and move you towards the life you desire.

Used together, the Illumine Method & Mindbody Wellness Coaching are truly transformative, allowing you to achieve the peace, joy and freedom that is your birthright. 

Client testimonials

"I saw Samantha about working through 12 years of continuous trauma: I'd seen a psychologist and several allied health practitioners, which all helped, but even in knowing how I should feel, my initial emotional responses would continue to trigger panic spirals. Hypnotherapy helped me get important ideas about how I could feel differently into my subconscious mind, so that I didn't have to fight my reactive emotional responses so much.

I was used to healing being hard and painful and sometimes impossible, and it was hard to believe how strangely lovely and easy the process could be. I've experienced what feels like a complete turn around in how I deal with anxiety and past trauma, and the positive effect on my body has even saved me money on physical therapy long term. It has dramatically changed how I feel every day for the better and it was everything I needed to move forward."

Miranda, SA

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“ Healing is not about fixing you. It's about releasing past conditioning & awakening to the perfection of who you really are” 

- Samantha Dawn


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